Functional Nutrition Coaching

Through comprehensive 1-on-1 Functional Nutrition Coaching, our packages are personalized to meet your unique needs and uncover what works best for your body. We work as a team to identify and address the root causes of your symptoms and then utilize nutrition-based interventions that are personalized to your genetics, lifestyle, environment, and health concerns. All programs include access to functional lab testing, personalized nutrition, targeted supplement recommendations, and lifestyle strategies for improved energy, optimal wellness, and restored resilience.


  • Low energy/fatigue/burnout

  • Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s (Thyroid disorders)

  • Brain fog and optimizing brain health

  • Blood sugar imbalances and insulin resistance

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Gastrointestinal conditions

Here is my story…

An integrative and functional nutrition practice for those seeking to restore vibrant energy, banish brain fog and transform their health with personalized nutrition and advanced functional lab testing. It's my mission to empower you with the tools necessary to nourish your body and guide you on your unique journey towards optimal health.


The Process

  • 01. Gather

    To fully understand your unique health journey, we gather information using a comprehensive health history and medical questionnaire, review your current and past symptoms as well as your nutrition and lifestyle habits, and organize your story on a timeline to see the big picture and make connections. We also gather information using functional lab testing and by listening to your unique health concerns and goals. This is where we do the detective work to uncover your unique root causes.

  • 02. Personalize

    The essence of Functional Nutrition is discovering what the best form of nourishment is for you. This is where I apply the latest scientific evidence and provide a personalized nutrition plan, targeted supplement suggestions, and supportive lifestyle recommendations that are unique to you. When creating your nutrition plan, we'll take into consideration many factors - including your unique nutrition needs, stress levels, sleep habits, genetics, movement and exercise, as well as your emotional and spiritual health so we can create a plan that resonates with you.

  • 03. Thrive

    Health is a continuum. Some of the new recommendations you implement will have immediate positive effects in your life, but by working on the many layers that there are to health, we are able to restore resilience over the long-term, so you can thrive and sustain well-being.

Personalized Nutrition Packages


1-on-1 Functional Nutrition Coaching Packages

Working 1-on-1 together will allow for greater support in determining your unique nutrition needs. We will meet either bi-weekly or monthly depending on your health goals to dive deep and address the root causes of your symptoms. In addition to your initial consultation and follow-up sessions, packages include access to advanced functional lab testing as needed, unlimited messaging, and access to high-quality, medical-grade supplements.


Nutrigenomics Package

3x4 genetics test + One 1-hour session

This is for you if you're seeking to learn more about your genetics and how you'll respond to the world around you. Our genes are not our destinity, but can provide insights into how to further personalize nutrition recommendations and allows us to uncover not what works well for most, but what works best for YOU. Understanding your unique genetic makeup may be the missing piece in identifying your root causes and truly optimizing health. During your one hour 1-on-1 session, you will be provided specific diet, supplement and lifestyle suggestions based on your unique genetic makeup.


Nutritionally Right Package

3x4 genetics test + Nutritional Analysis Test + Two 1-hour sessions

The Nutritionally Right Package includes all of the perks of the Nutrigenomics Package as well as advanced nutritional testing to get a more accurate, complete picture of your current nutritional status and further personalize recommendations.


More Functional Nutrition Programs Coming Soon

Stay tuned for more functional nutrition programs launching Fall 2022

We anticipate the next round of the The Food As Medicine Nutrition Foundations Mini Program will take place in Fall of 2022. Details regarding the The Food As Medicine Nutrition Foundations Mini Program that took place in June of 2022 is available below if you want to learn more!

Let's Connect


Apply for a free 30-minute clarity call to learn more about how I can help.


We will review all applications and reach out to schedule a clarity call in the order in which applications are received.

Madeline is currently accepting 1 on 1 clients!
More functional nutrition programs coming soon.