Working with an Integrative & Functional Dietitian


Working with an Integrative and Functional Dietitian is a unique experience. Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) are considered experts in nutrition and undergo extensive training and education to earn their credential. This is the route I took and I am so happy that I did! I also decided to pursue advanced training in Functional Medicine, which views nutrition in a very unique way. So, how is working with an Integrative and Functional Dietitian different? I will highlight some of the unique approaches I take when focusing on a food as medicine approach to health and wellbeing, and incorporating Functional Nutrition in my practice: 

Identifying and addressing the root causes of imbalance 

Identifying and addressing the root causes of imbalance in the body is a key aspect of Functional Medicine. From a nutrition standpoint, this means looking at the role of diet and its impact on health. The first step in the process of identifying each individual's unique root causes is gathering information through comprehensive questionnaires, listening to the individual’s story, and organizing this information so as the practitioner, I can start to make connections between an individual’s history and current symptoms. Your story, your concerns, and your goals are at the center of the healing process and guide my unique plan for you. Gathering all of this information allows for personalization of nutrition recommendations so we can address your unique root causes of imbalance.  

Food is more that just energy, it’s medicine 

Food is more than just energy, it is medicine! Food provides information to our bodies and directly impacts functioning and biological pathways. With each bite, we have the power to completely transform our health. My goal is to ​​help you harness the power of food as medicine and create a nutrition plan that is personalized to YOU. At the center of Functional Nutrition is the emphasis on high quality, nutrient-dense, whole foods as the foundation and will serve as the first line of intervention. To optimize energy production and the therapeutic effects of food, we focus on both macronutrients and micronutrients while emphasizing a food-first approach. 

Personalized recommendations 

By gathering information about your unique health journey and utilizing functional lab testing, we are able to work together to address your health concerns and goals, and discover what the best form of nourishment is for you. This is where I apply evidence-based recommendations and create a personalized nutrition plan unique to you. Depending on your needs, targeted supplement suggestions and supportive lifestyle recommendations may also be provided to support you in your healing journey. In addition to your nutrition needs, I consider many other factors when creating your plan including your stress levels, sleep habits, genetics, movement and exercise, as well as your emotional and spiritual health so we can create a plan that resonates with you. Integrative and Functional Dietitians look at the person as a whole and consider all aspects of health. 

Therapeutic relationship

An essential component of Integrative and Functional Medicine is patient-centered care which is supported by the therapeutic relationship between the client and the practitioner. Rather than just addressing symptoms, we will work as a TEAM to address what matters most to you. Your values and goals will guide all recommendations. Bidirectional communication will allow for greater understanding of what your goals are and illuminate how I can serve as a guide on your healing journey. 


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