Nutritionally Right with Madeline

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Sausage and Tuscan Kale Frittata

Food as medicine highlight

Making a frittata at the beginning of the week is one of my favorite meal prepping hacks. It’s simple, it’s tasty, and there’s so many variations that can be made! This recipe features Tuscan kale, purple cabbage, bell peppers, and pastured sausage, but you could easily swap out the vegetables for what you have on hand (for example, you can use spinach in place of the kale, onions instead of the bell peppers, and omit the cabbage or use mushrooms instead). Tuscan kale is a nutrient power-house, filled with vitamins A, K, and C. It’s also a member of the Brassica family, along with cabbage, making it great for supporting detoxification and hormone health. This nutrient-dense, hormone-supportive breakfast is also great for your brain as eggs are a rich source of choline, an important nutrient for brain health and memory.


  • 12 pastured eggs

  • 1/2 cup cashew milk

  • 1 lb pastured breakfast sausage

  • 1 bell pepper (any color will do)

  • Handful of chopped Tuscan kale (about a cup)

  • Handful of shredded red cabbage (about a cup)

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp red pepper flakes

  • Cracked black pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 375℉.

  2. Heat a cast iron pan on medium heat. Add preferred cooking fat (avocado oil, lard, etc.) to the pan allowing it to melt.

  3. Add the pastured sausage and cook until temperature reaches at least 160℉. Once the sausage is cooked, add in the bell pepper, Tuscan kale, and cabbage. Saute until the vegetables are soft.

  4. Whisk eggs, cashew milk, salt, red pepper flakes, and black pepper in a bowl.

  5. Line a glass 9x13 baking dish with parchment paper (or grease dish). Spread sausage mixture evenly in baking dish and pour eggs over the top.

  6. Bake for 30 minutes or until the top is golden brown and the eggs are set.

  7. Enjoy as an easy breakfast (or for any meal really!) along with a simple salad.