Nutritionally Right with Madeline

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Meal Planning for Vibrant Energy & Hormone Health + My Top Meal Prepping Tips

Let’s take it back to the basics and talk about meal planning for vibrant energy and hormone health. When it comes to supporting metabolism, energy production, and healthy hormones, focusing on nutrient density is incredibly important as is meal structure. In this blog post I dive into: 

  • What foods to include and prioritize when planning meals 

  • Weekly grocery staples for healthy hormones and vibrant energy 

  • Components of a balanced and nourishing plate 

  • Ways to implement and my favorite blood sugar supportive snacks 

What foods to include and prioritize when planning meals 

When planning meals (whether using recipes or creating your own meals for the week) to support vibrant energy and hormones health, you’ll want to have a variety of the following on hand: 

  • Quality protein sources: grass-fed beef, wild caught salmon, pastured poultry, etc.  

  • Healthy fats: olive oil, olives, avocados, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, etc.  

  • Phytonutrient-rich non-starchy carbohydrates: leafy greens, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. 

  • Low glycemic fruits: blueberries, pomegranate, raspberries, cranberries, etc. 

  • Fiber-rich pantry staples: chia seeds, flaxseed meal, hemp seeds, nuts, etc.  

  • Fermented foods: sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented pickles, etc. 

Each of these foods contain nutrients that are vital for energy production, mitochondrial health, hormone production, metabolism, and clearance, and gut health (which in turn supports hormone balance and vibrant energy). I recommend that when you create your shopping list, you organize the list according to the categories above and make sure you have a couple options under each category. 

Weekly grocery staples for healthy hormones and vibrant energy 

When clients come to me aiming to support hormone balance and sustained energy levels we always focus on whole foods that strategically support these two areas. With that said, these are always weekly staples: 

  • A variety of leafy greens

  • Olives, olive oil, nuts, and seeds

  • Wild caught salmon 

  • Blue/purple produce 

  • Cruciferous vegetables 

Although you may know what foods and nutrients are supportive of your health, it may be challenging to implement them into your eating patterns. Knowledge AND implementation are key. Without the tools to implement dietary changes, the knowledge piece isn’t of much value. That’s why when I work with clients, I always provide them with the tools they need to thrive in addition to the knowledge which sustains action. See below for a few tips on how to include the above foods in your daily rhythm. 

Components of a balanced and nourishing plate 

Meal structure matters because if done correctly, it supports blood sugar balance which is vital for stable energy levels throughout the day, a sense of calm when it comes to food choices, clear thinking, and healthy hormones. 

To create a balanced and nourished plate include the following: 

  • Quality protein 

  • Healthy fats 

  • Non-starchy vegetables  

  • Optional: fruit, starchy vegetables, grains, legumes (the amount/types/etc. Depends on YOUR unique biochemical individuality, work with a Registered Dietitian to determine what supports blood sugar balance for you) 

  • BONUS: fermented foods (for gut health of course)! 

AT EVERY MEAL! Snacks can be structured the same way. See below for some of my favorite blood sugar supportive snacks. 

My top meal prep tips

  • Start small: rather than meal prepping three meals for everyday of the week, start small by just prepping for one. I like planning/prepping my dinners for the week for ease and convenience after a long day. So perhaps you start by just prepping dinners for the week, then transition to prepping breakfasts and lunches too.

  • Shop for just 3 days out of the week: similar to the point above, consider planning and shopping for just 3 days out of the week (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday). I like this structure as it allows for more flexibility and change in flavors. What I’m feeling in the mood for Sunday could sound not appealing by Friday that week, so instead I make another trip to the grocery store and shop for the rest of the meals for the week.

  • Make a list and organize it according to layout of the store: this can be incredibly helpful and save time when grocery shopping!

  • Find ways to repurpose ingredients: how can you make use of the same ingredient in different recipes? For example, perhaps you purchase Tuscan kale for a creamy Caesar salad and use the remaining kale in smoothies for breakfast.

  • Prep when you get home from grocery shopping: this saves time and energy!

  • Wash and cut vegetables to snack on throughout the week: consider prepping carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, and other easy-to-snack on vegetables to enjoy either as a snack or alongside lunch.

  • Slow cook a protein: my absolute favorite thing to do on a Sunday! Did someone say slow cooker carnitas?! Slow cooking a pork shoulder, chuck roast, etc. provides an easy protein source to incorporate throughout the week.

  • Cook with someone you love: it makes doing the work more fun and cuts the time to complete in half :)

  • Freeze leftovers to have later: soups, stews, slow cooked proteins, protein pancakes, etc. can be frozen and enjoyed later!

  • Have fun!

Are you interested in a personalized approach to restoring vibrant energy and balancing your hormones so you can thrive? APPLY for a free 30-minute clarity call with me using this link to learn more about how I can help you!