Nutritionally Right with Madeline

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5 Signs You May Need Detox Support

Detoxification is something I discuss often in my practice. In our modern world, we are constantly exposed to toxins. They are ubiquitous and often persist in our environments, making detox support incredibly important for overall health. Thinking of the numerous exposures we encounter on a daily basis, from pesticides to pollution (and more), the discussion of toxins and how to avoid them can quickly become overwhelming. On top of that, how to actually support detoxification in a helpful and evidence-based way can be even more confusing if not working with a practitioner who understands how to personalize a detoxification program for you. Detoxification, like SO many other aspects of health, is highly personalized - where you need support can look very different than what your friend needs. It all depends on your unique story, exposures, symptoms, and goals. That’s why I encourage you to always seek out guidance from an experienced health practitioner who can personalize diet, lifestyle, and supplements to get you moving in the right direction. That said, it can be helpful to know what signs to look out for that may suggest you need detox support. 

1.You’re struggling with blood sugar issues. 

Have you been told you have blood sugar issues? Or perhaps you’ve had labs done looking at fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1c, or insulin and know you struggle with keeping blood sugar in a healthy range. Maybe neither of these apply to you, but you struggle with always feeling hungry, fatigue after meals, or intense sugar cravings, which can also signal issues with regulating blood sugar. A connection between toxins and blood sugar dysregulation has been established. Research has demonstrated an increased risk of type 2 diabetes with exposure to environmental toxicants including persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Yep - toxins mess with our endocrine system, impacting everything from our metabolic hormones to our sex hormones. 

2. It’s hard for you to reach a desired weight. 

Certain POPs like p,p’-DDE and p,p’-DDT may also act as “obesogens” causing weight gain. Exposure to environmental toxins (in addition to many other factors like increased processed food intake, lack of movement, etc.) may be one reason why we see increasing rates of obesity and more challenges when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. In addition to their obesogenic effects, certain toxins like heavy metals can also affect the thyroid - an incredibly important gland that regulates metabolism and produces hormones that affect every cell in our body. The impact of these toxins on thyroid function can be another reason why weight regulation becomes challenging. 

3. You have elevated levels of stress hormones. 

You may not think that environmental toxins could elicit a stress response…but sure enough, research suggests they can! One study demonstrated that exposure to higher levels of particulate matter resulted in increases in stress hormones, including cortisol, cortisone, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. Increases in blood pressure, insulin resistance, inflammation, and oxidative stress were also observed. The good news is that this study also showed indoor air purification led to short term reductions in stress hormones. So in other words, removing or minimizing the exposure resulted in improvements. Now stress hormones like cortisol and epinephrine can be elevated for many other reasons, however maybe your body feels stressed and in “flight or fight mode” but you don’t actually perceive stressors … if that’s the case, it seems reasonable to question if toxin exposures are contributing. 

4. Your hormones are out of whack. 

You may have heard about a group of chemicals called endocrine disruptors before. Endocrine disrupting chemicals mess with your hormones in two ways. 1) They mimic your body’s hormones and interfere with their ability to work how they should and 2) They alter hormone production impacting hormone levels in the body. Not good for hormone health, period! One of the most commonly discussed endocrine disruptors is a group of chemicals called bisphenols. Bisphenol-A (BPA), for example, is found in plastic water bottles and plastic storage containers. BPA has estrogenic effects and can negatively impact your hormones. Research has shown that women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) have significantly higher serum levels of BPA, suggesting a potential role of this toxin in the development of endocrine disorders including PCOS. 

5. You’re constipated often. 

Daily bowel movements are absolutely essential for the removal of toxins from the body! If you are chronically constipated, toxins may re-enter into circulation since they aren’t being removed from the body in a timely fashion. This situation isn’t good for hormone health, or health in general. Thankfully, diet, lifestyle and supplements can be utilized to improve constipation and get you going more regularly. 

If you struggle with any of the symptoms listed above and think you need guidance on how to best support detoxification, consider applying for a free 30-minute call with me to learn more about my functional medicine approach and how it can help you regain vibrant energy and balanced hormones!